In this episode, let’s look at how to fix eyes that were not drawn symmetrically, as suggested by Paulo Austria on Youtube.
Let’s hop right in!
How to Fix Eyes that were not Drawn Symmetrically
The first step is to pick your favorite eye so we can use it as a baseline. My favorite is the left eye, so I will be making changes to the right eye.
Pencil Method
Let’s try doing it with a pencil first. This is the tool I recommend out of all 3 because I think it will help you develop your “seeing” skills a lot faster, but it may take a bit of practice to get a hang of.
Move your pencil up and down along your drawing to check the horizontal alignment of other areas like the eyelid crease for example. It’s important when you’re doing this to make sure the pencil remains level or parallel to the paper’s edge. This is assuming that your subject is drawn straight on instead of at an angle.
Note: If your subject is drawn at an angle, you’ll need to hold your pencil at an angle too. In this case, it will be helpful to draw an actual reference line across the drawing, so you can keep your measurements consistent as you work.
Here we can see just how much higher the left eyelid crease is than compared to the one on the right (about 2mm apart). As you go along, checking the horizontal alignment of your drawing, make the appropriate changes.
It will take some practice to get used to using your pencil in this way. I currently have this drawing laid out flat on my desk because it’s the most comfortable way for me to draw while recording. But I recommend doing this with your drawing in an upright position so you can hold your arm out straight in front of you at eye level.
Let’s switch back to the overhead view…
For this example, I’m checking to see where each eyebrow aligns with the eye below it. You can see that the left eyebrow extends about 3mm out from the corner of the eye.
But on the right, the eyebrow needs to be drawn much wider in order to match the other one:
You can measure and compare down to the tiniest detail if you want to improve your drawing symmetry, accuracy and “seeing” skills.
Ruler Method
You can also do this with a ruler. The ruler’s edge can be aligned directly to the edge of your paper for a more accurate placement.
Paper Method
Another option is to use another piece of paper. A big piece will provide you with the highest level of accuracy because once you align its edge to your sketchbook, you’ll have a close to perfect horizontal or vertical line across the drawing.
If you want to watch all the changes drawn step by step, please watch the video version of this blog article:
So far, I’ve only talked about how to fix a problem that has already happened. To prevent this from happening in the first place, make measurements and comparisons before drawing the second eye. It’s also important to double and triple check your work:
I hope this episode was helpful!
Let me know what topic you’d like to see next using the hashtag #fixMyDrawing. You can also send me a copy of the specific drawing problem you’re currently struggling with and we’ll tackle it step by step.

Darlene created RFA In 2013 with the goal of sharing simple yet detailed drawing tutorials with other artists on the world wide web. She is a self taught pencil portrait artist and Youtuber.
I love this series! I’ve been struggling with my drawing skills for a while now and this has been really helpful.
Thanks for your feedback! I was wondering if this series should still be continued! Glad it helped :)
hi i still dont get how to draw symmetrical eyes on a cartoon charectar that i am drawing.keep in mind that it s a female charectar.
Your tutorials have been really helpful, Thanks alot.