If you haven’t heard of Inktober, it’s a fun challenge started by Jake Parker, where you try to draw everyday in the month of October using ink!
I decided to join in on the fun even though I’m most comfortable working with graphite. And I encourage you to join in as well! I think a great way to grow any skill is to constantly challenge yourself by stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Anyway… drawing is drawing – it doesn’t matter what medium you use!
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With my current work schedule, I decided to make a drawing every other day. You can follow me on Twitter to catch me when I post the next one all the way up until Oct 31st! Tweet at me if you’re participating as well! I’d love to see your submissions!!
The most challenging thing about Inktober is that there’s no ERASING! So to up the game even more, I’ll try NOT to use pencil for under layers/rough drafts, etc. Just plain ink on paper.
Here are my submissions so far!
October 1: Robert Downey Jr.
Time: 46 mins
Did this on the Wacom Intuos Pro Paper tablet. It was so fun!! It was a bit of a challenge coloring the portrait because the pen has a 0.4mm fine tip. I got the proportions all wrong and couldn’t erase anything, but still proud that I got my first one done!
October 3: Iron Man & Pepper Potts
Time: 1 hr 10 mins
Huge obsession with Iron Man…
I used Pigma Sensei Pens for this one. The most difficult thing was shading Pepper’s skin, although I think it turned out okay in the end. In areas where I messed up, I used a thick 0.6mm pen to outline it so the mistakes would disappear.
October 5: Drogon Wight
Time: 40 mins
Inspired by Ertaç Altınöz’s digital drawing.
October 7: Bran (Three Eyed Raven)
Time: 45 mins
October 9: Arya Stark
Time: 39 mins
This one was really fun because of the greasy hair. Shading is awful though…
October 11: Hodor Hodoring
Time: 1 hr 20 mins
So frustrated with myself because the drawing didn’t turn out the way I wanted, but I decided to post it anyway… gotta show my fails too!
October 13: Tyrion Lannister
Time: 2 hrs 23 mins
UPDATE: This is where I stopped. I was staying up past 2am to do these and it turns out that was really bad for my health. I got really painful stomach aches which didn’t go away until after a week and other health issues started to resurface, so I decided to not to continue. It was fun, but I just didn’t have time for it!
Here’s my entire list of ideas:
1.) Robert Downey Jr.
2.) Iron Man
3.) RDJ and Miss Potts
4.) Wolverine
5.) Wonder Woman
6.) Lara Croft
7.) Indiana Jones
8.) Khaleesi
9.) Jon Snow
10.) Tyrion Lannister
11.) Arya Stark
12.) Sansa Stark
13.) Jaime Lannister
14.) Jora Mormont
15.) Samwell Tarly
16.) Dragon
17.) GOT Sword Throne
18.) The Mountain
19.) Jaqen H’ghar
20.) Hodor
21.) Bran Stark
22.) 3 Eyed Raven
23.) Brienne of Tarth
24.) Magneto (X-Men)
If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments down below! And don’t forget to follow me on twitter where I’ll be posting a drawing every other day.
Do you want to do a month of pencil sketching with me? Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll organize something fun for us :)

Darlene created RFA In 2013 with the goal of sharing simple yet detailed drawing tutorials with other artists on the world wide web. She is a self taught pencil portrait artist and Youtuber.
Hi Darlene I am a huge fan of your art. I have admired it for years and it was not until just now that I found your website. I am an 11 year old boy and I would love to draw with you and maybe even be in one of your videos! Thank you
Pls how can I get the graphic pencil